Kunishika Toyohara
Tenpo 6th (1835) born, Meiji 33rd (1900) died
At first, Kunichika joined as a disciple to Chikanobu Toyohara, then moved to Toyokuni Utagawa the 3rd family.
In the early Meiji era, the wave of civilization opening up had been flooded, but the Kunichika kept drawing intentionally, centered on actor painting, protecting the Edo style stubbornly.
Along with Yoshitoshi Tsukioka and Kiyochika Kobayashi, Kunichika were called as 3 big Ukiyoe artists in Meiji.
At first he was drawing such as “Oshie-hagoita”, but after entering Toyokuni the 3rd, he produced actor, beautiful woman, History and Genji paintings.
He was also known as big face painter, representative of actor painting, also called "Meiji Sharaku".
It is said that he had changed his house by 117 times, and changed wives by more than 40 people in his lifetime with his daring personality.
He loved drinking and playing, doesn’t have money over night, but he could not avoid to help rescuing people who are in trouble. Visitors have said that they did not have anything because he borrowed visitors' stuff.